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by Liz Florist

Create your wedding plan
Photo credit: JC Garcia Photography YYC
Photo credit: JC Garcia Photography YYC
Incredible flowers for your perfect wedding...

Whether your wedding plans are simple or ultra-luxurious, the right flowers are a key ingredient in achieving your perfect wedding experience. We were fortunate enough to prepare flowers for over a hundred weddings in the Calgary area in 2022. That's about two weddings per week! For each and every one of them, we poured our heart and soul into making sure the flowers were absolutely perfect and in particular, perfect in the eyes of our client, above all else.

The right florist will take the time and effort to fully understand your desires and inspirations for your wedding flowers. They will educate you on seasonal considerations for flower availability, proper care for your arrangements prior to the wedding and dozens of other crucial details that make all the difference. They will be understanding if your imagination causes your plans to change throughout the process. They will always be ready to make whatever adjustments you need for the flowers of your dreams.

This takes an enormous commitment of time along with infinite flexibility and patience. It is the standard we strive to surpass for every wedding client. When you trust us with your wedding flowers, it's a responsibility that we take to heart. As a small, independant studio run by a wife and husband team, our reputation is the foundation of our business. We never forget that fact and you can absolutely count on us to deliver on our promises.

Perhaps the best part of placing your trust in us, is our online wedding planner for your flowers. It is unique to us and unlike anything we are aware of in the industry. With this fun and simple graphical tool, you can plan and budget every aspect of your wedding flowers, save them and come back anytime to review and make changes. If you prefer, we can create and save a wedding plan for you, and send you the link. When you're ready to place your order, even months later, it's as simple as a single click.

Along they way, we're here for you. We are always available online, by phone or text, or in-person at our studio, to answer your questions, make changes to your plan and allay your concerns. We know from our years of experience that this is how to ensure that the flowers you receive on your wedding day are exactly what you are expecting.

You should expect nothing less from your wedding florist, so don't settle for second best!

I am so honored to prepare your wedding flowers and I promise you will love them.
- Liz
Photo credit: JC Garcia Photography YYC
Create your wedding plan
You're gonna
Our Flowers
Photo credit: Liz Florist