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Summer Dreams Bouquet

Summer Dreams Bouquet
Summer Dreams Bouquet Brighten up any room with this stunning summer bouquet! Featuring a gorgeous combination of yellow and pink flowers, this arrangement is sure to bring joy and warmth someone special. The bouquet includes cheerful daisies and delicate baby's breath, perfectly complemented by the elegant beauty of an orchid. The sunny yellow daisies are the focal point of the bouquet, radiating happiness and positivity. The pink accents provide a lovely contrast, adding a touch of femininity and charm. Meanwhile, the airy baby's breath adds texture and volume, creating a full and lush bouquet that is both beautiful and eye-catching. The orchid, with its intricate petals and exotic allure, adds an element of sophistication and elegance to the arrangement. It is the perfect finishing touch to this stunning summer bouquet, which is sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone who receives it. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to thank you gifts and "just because" surprises. Whether you're sending it to a loved one or treating yourself, this bright and cheerful bouquet is sure to delight!
Summer Dreams Bouquet
$ 74.95
Luxury level
? Increase for more flowers, more greenery,
more luxury. Deluxe is shown.
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