
Petal Pink Bouquet

Petal Pink Bouquet
Petal Pink Bouquet This beautiful hand-tied bouquet features a stunning combination of pink roses, pink Gerbera daisies, and pink pom cushion daisies. Each bloom has been carefully selected for its colour, shape, and quality to create a harmonious blend of soft pink hues. The bouquet has been expertly arranged with the roses and Gerbera daisies at the forefront, while the pom cushion daisies add a touch of whimsy and texture. The stems have been carefully wrapped and tied with a luxurious pink and gold Korean-style wrap, which enhances the bouquet's elegance and sophistication. This bouquet is perfect for a variety of occasions, from romantic gestures to special events. The delicate pink tones convey a sense of grace and femininity, while the expertly crafted arrangement and luxurious wrap make this bouquet a truly special and memorable gift.
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Petal Pink Bouquet
$ 49.95
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