
Lavender Love Basket

Lavender Love Basket
Lavender Love Basket Celebrate the wonderful mom in your life with a stunning mixed flower basket bursting with shades of purple! Our skilled florists have carefully selected the freshest and most beautiful blooms to create an unforgettable arrangement. This Mother's Day mixed flower basket is filled with a variety of purple flowers, from elegant lavender daisies to delicate orchids and more. The arrangement also features complementary greenery and accents to add depth and texture. The basket is designed to showcase the natural beauty of the flowers, with each stem arranged to create a balanced and harmonious display. The rustic woven basket adds to the charm and warmth of the gift, making it the perfect addition to any mother's home.
Lavender Love Basket
$ 59.95
Luxury level
? Increase for more flowers, more greenery,
more luxury. Deluxe is shown.
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